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Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2003

Smokey Briggs


By Smokey Briggs

J.C. Adams —
a hero of mine

Lets hear it for J. C. Adams of Decatur, Georgia.

J.C. became a hero of mine recently when I read the Associated Press story of his history of defending his conveinence store.

I am also proud of the district attorney's office in Decatur.

And, frankly, I am amazed that the Associated Press picked the story up although I doubt most of my liberal minded editorial brethren chose to run the article in their paper.

J.C. has owned the Pac A Sac in Decator for 26 years. He has been robbed twelve times in that span and was wounded in a shootout with robbers in 2000.

Three robbers walked into his store a week or so ago and held the place up.

Or tried to.

The Pac A Sac should have been an easy mark. There was one employee in the store along with J.C.

J.C. was in the back but could see what was happening on the surveillance monitor.

J. C. is 74 years old.

J.C. also needs a walker to help him get around since he just had knee surgery.

So, he grabbed his shotgun and his walker and hobbled out into his store to confront the robbers.

When the shooting was over one robber was dead and a second was on the floor bleeding. The third was a female who was subdued by an employee. (I guess J.C. is a little old fashioned, or maybe the girl wasn't waving a gun around).

"No need to let something like that live," he said.

Amen Mr. Adams.

The district attorney's office announced that J.C. will not be charged with a crime in the incident.

Good for them. It is a shame that there would even be a question of charging him. But that is the world we live in, I guess - a world were the rights of criminals far outweigh those of the victims.

Well, some of us live in that world.

J.C. does not. J.C. lives in a world where honest citizens do not hide in terror every time a thug shows his face on the street.

I think J.C.'s world is a better place to be.

Your Views

Dear Editor:

I want to thank all the law enforcement officers, hospital staff, and the folks who organized and provided the refreshments for my retirement party, the suprising gift of a gold watch from the County Attorney and his staff, and the beautiful plaque.

After checking the records back to the 1940s it appears that I served as the Justice of the Peace for Precinct 2 longer than anyone. I served for 25 years — from 1977 to 2002.

Now that I'm retired I plan to spend the near future visiting my children, relatives and friends in Arizona, Texas, Lousianna, Florida, Arkansas and Tennessee. I also plan to attend the 3rd Marine Division Reunion of which there are not many left who served our country 61 years ago in World War II.

The plaque is placed on the wall to remind me of all the good times I experienced in the job I loved so well.

Thanks to my clerk for her hard work and dedication keeping the office in order.

J.T. Marsh

Dear Editor:

The Pecos High School Swim Team and coaches would like to thank ALL of the people who helped make the District Swim Meet a success. Pecos has a reputation for having the best-run swim meets and this was no exception. It takes many, many people to be able to handle all of the many responsibilities—from computer work to sign making to mowing the lawn at the pool.

Thank you to all of you who gave up your time to work. Everybody whom we asked to work, graciously accepted. As coaches, we were able to coach our swimmers during the course of the meet, and not have to worry about one thing. As always, we get tremendous support from our parents, administration and community. It does not go unnoticed by our team or us.

Thank you,
Coach Terri Morse
Coach Joan Capshaw
Coach Evan Bates

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Pecos Enterprise
York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.

324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
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