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Tuesday, June 17, 1997

Golden Girl Nominees

Stefanie Michelle Pharaoh

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Stefanie Michelle Pharaoh in the 17-year-old daughter of Mike and
Beverly Pharaoh of Pecos.

She is sponsored by the Water Works and Modern Study Club.

Stefanie is in the Business Professionals of America and for three years
has been on the varsity team as well as playing the flute in the PHS Band.

Miss Pharaoh is a member of the First Baptist Church and a member of the
youth group.

"I enjoy playing tennis, working out with my friends, going to baseball
games and am very interested in music," said Miss Pharaoh.She states that she is also interested in Physical Therapy.

Erica Rodriguez

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Erica Rodriguez is the 16-year-old daughter of Anastacio and Diana
Rodriguez of Pecos.

She is sponsored by the Lions Club.

Erica is very active in UCA All-Star Cheerleader and has been on the
varsity squad for two years; Business and Professionals of America State
alternate for two years; Spanish Club, (two years), secretary for a
year; received the superior awards in Language Festival 1995-1996 and
was a member of the Theater Arts-One Act Play.

Her hobbies and interests include reading, dancing, writing (letters,
short stories and poetry), talking, spending time with friends,
cruising, singing, and just hanging out. She is an active member of the Santa Rosa Catholic Church.

Hinojos' tell of new daughter

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Mirna and Ismael Hinojos announce the birth of their baby girl, Meagan
P. Hinojos.

Little Meagan was born on June 13, at Reeves County Hospital and weighed
five pounds and 11 ounces.

She was 19 inches long.

Maternal grandparents are Nina and Raul Pando.

Paternal grandparents are Ismael and Clara Hinojos.

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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