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Dec. 26, 1996


51 lessons in life help achieve freedom

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Jim Hasse's book of 51 short stories could be read for pleasure or for
serious study. Each story is drawn from Hasse's experience, and each
teaches a lesson in life that can benefit anyone.

Crippled by cerebral palsy, Hasse struggled against his own body and
false assumptions of others to carve out a career in communications. He
is now senior consultant for CommSciences Inc, a strategic communication
research firm based in Los Angeles, Calif.

In "Break Out: Finding Freedom When You Don't Quite Fit The Mold,"
Hasse has captured turning points in his understanding of what it means
to be presumed different in the U.S. and abroad. His stories could have
involved a person who is African-American, female, short, overweight or
elderly. He just happens to be a white male who has cerebral palsy.

Individuals or groups can use the stories to help discover options for
achieving freedom from false assumptions because a person doesn't quite
fit accepted norms.

Lead-in quotations from Samuel Goldwyn to Heraclitus captures the
esssence of each story. Discussion questions about how readers can
separate fantasy fromr eality and discover their own options for delaing
with presumptions close each chapter.

"Jim Hasse personifies that element in the human spirit that seeks and
finds shades of light in difficult circumstance," said Dr. Harley A.
Swiggum, founder of the Adult Christian Education Foundation and author
of the Bethel Series.

Published by Quixote Publications. Order by calling 1-800-247-6553.
$12.95 each, 240 pages softcover. ISBN 0-9633083-7-8.

-Peggy McCracken


Terrorist attack hurts innocent

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The cold-blooded murder of six nurses at the Norwegian Red Cross
hospital in Chechnya ... is a tragedy that hits many. First and
foremost, the victims' families and friends, but just as much the
desperate civilian population they were sent to help. This disgraceful
terror attack was thus also aimed at thousands of innocent people in
desperate need of help. ...

Seldom has the International Red Cross symbol been violated with such
premeditation. Usually, (the symbol) is respected by the parties in even
the worst conflicts. ...

Most Norwegian humanitarian organizations already give the safety of
their personnel the highest priority. ... An extreme consequence (of the
attack) can be that security becomes a question of whether or not help
is possible. Must we admit that it is simply too dangerous to send help
to some areas? Maybe. But that would be a catastrophe for solidarity in
the world. We have to hope that the murderers in Chechnya are found and
held accountable. The Norwegian hospital still has a live-giving mission
- Aftenposten, Oslo


New U.N. secretary could be the last

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Boutros Boutros-Ghali is out and Ghana's Kofi Annan is in as U.N.
Secretary-General. The rhetorical gusts that have been buffeting Turtle
Bay have subsided. The French have been assured that Mr. Annan speaks
French. The Arabs have run their attack against Madeleine Albright only
to see her elevated from U.N. Plaza to the seventh floor of the State
Department. Mr. Annan, a polished veteran of 37 years at the U.N., can
now set about to establish himself as the boss of 50,000 apparatchiks in
30 U.N. bureaucracies scattered around the world.

Of all his myriad constituents, Mr. Annan would do well to pay special
attention to one in particular. His name is Jesse Helms. At the
Senator's behest, the Clinton Administration endured world-wide
approbation to roust Mr. Boutros-Ghali off the U.N. quarterdeck. But the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman wants more than that. He
wants a wholesale U.N. reform and has threatened further assaults if he
doesn't get it. He wrote in the September-October Foreign Affairs that
if the U.N. isn't overhauled, he will lead the charge to withdraw the
U.S. from membership.

If ``such a plan is not put forward and implemented,'' wrote Senator
Helms, ``the next U.N. Secretary-General could - and should - be the
last.'' ...
-- The Wall Street Journal
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