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Tuesday, November 26, 1996

By Peggy McCracken

Every black cloud

has a silver lining

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Controversy sells papers, I'm told. I've often been accused of creating
a controversy just for that purpose. God forbid! Nobody hates
controversy more than I do, and I am always getting caught in the
middle. Even though I try to report the facts and keep my opinions to
myself if I have any, people on both sides of every fight take issue
with what I write about it.

Two fights are on my card today: this morning's City Council meeting
and tonight's zoning board hearing. The council has likely settled the
trash matter by the time you read this, but mud slinging is still to
come at the zoning clash. However it comes out, you should be able to
read about it in Wednesday's Enterprise.

When Thursday comes, one thing I will have to be thankful about is that
I can put all the arguments out of my mind and concentrate on more
positive things - like turkey and dressing.

One day a year is not enough to count blessings and thank God for them.
When I start enumerating all the good things He has done for me, those
few frustrations fade away.

Let's see: where would I start? Any great-grandmother worth her salt
would name the littlest member of the family first, so thank you, God,
for Jasmine Lee. What a precious little doll (8 months old.) Then
there's 7-year-old Dana, 17-year-old Jason and my adult grands, Amanda
and Scott, both 20. And Amanda's beloved, John, of course.

For our kids, our siblings, their kids and grands - all the extended
family who enrich our lives.

Then there's my church family. For the past 36 years my brothers and
brothers and sisters in Christ have loved me despite my hot temper,
sharp tongue and anti-social behavior. Where else but in the church can
you find that kind of acceptance?

I haven't felt very thankful lately to have a job as a newspaper
reporter. There must be an easier way to make a living. But I'll admit
I'd rather visit a gin to take pictures and interview the manager (see
today's Living off the Land section) than to haul in a trailer load of
cotton I had to pick off the stalk and stuff into a sack, then weigh and
dump it in the trailer.

Crunching through leaves on the lawn in the beautiful fall weather
we've been having always brings back memories of those fall days on the
farm. As much as I enjoy working outside in the fall, I am thankful I
don't have to do it and can quit when I get tired or bored.

Yes, thank you, God, for this job. Amen

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his live endures forever."
Psalm 107:1, NIV

Peggy McCracken is an Enterprise writer and editor whose column appears
each Tuesday.


In reference to the

Police in School

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Dear Editor,
This letter is in reference to the article in the Pecos Enterprise dated
11-20-06, concerning the incident with the Gomez child. This is like an
episode from the twilight zone. I can't fathom the horror this mother
and daughter went through and are still in, all because someone did not
use the common sense the good Lord gave him. Granted, he did everything
by the book, yet sometimes the situation calls for a little discretion
on his part. This problem has been a major concern of mine for quite
some time, and this incident brought it to a head.

I would like to share my sentiments with you on the subject. First and
foremost, I believe it is a shame and a waste of time to call the law on
a second grader, or for that matter any other student in any grade. The
principal or his assistant should have had the common sense to act on
any given infraction that comes along, after all this is why they are
being paid for, instead they pass the buck on to someone else. They are
supposed to be educated and professional, and should be able to deal
with any problem that comes up. It is a sad situation when some of the
folks are not fulfilling their jobs.

My son was involved in a fight with another student (high school) the
push and pull kind that is forgotten the next day, yet this was made
into a federal case, with the whole nine yards executed, the law was
called, no one saw the fight, no other student was in danger, yet both
boys got a ticket, a trip to see the city Judge, and 13 hours of
community service, plus 10 days in O.C.S. A bit sever don't you agree?
Now if they had a knife or a gun or even a pencil, it would have been
justified, but this is where the DISCRETION of the person in command
comes in.. RIGHT? On the date of the "COURT" the hall was filled to
capacity with kids who got the law on them for anything for skipping to
fighting, incidents that should have been taken care of at their
respective schools and not at the city court. Don't misunderstand me,
I'm all for the "Zero Tolerance Law" but I believe a little discretion
and a lot of patience should be implemented with it, as every situation
is different and should be treated as such.

Another pressing matter on my mind, which I want to share with you in
the hope that something can be done about it is the O.C.S. program at
the high school. This is supposed to be a punishment to them as they did
something wrong on the campus, yet it is play time or sleep time (yes
sleep time) to be there. They finish their work in the first hour of the
day, then they can do anything as long as it is done without bothering
anyone. Some days the work from the office never reaches the students,
so more time for fun and games.

In my opinion, you need to look at this program and revaluate how it is
helping or hurting those put in there. Make it hard and tough for them
so they won't want to come back. Maybe, then you can get rid of the dead
beats who keep coming back.

I'll close this letter with the thought that you will indeed do
something to expedite this matter, which concerns not only myself, but a
lot of parents in the city.

Your help and understanding in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Linda Gholson, Earl Bates, Saul Roquemore, Hugh Box, Frank Perea, Steve
Armstrong, Mario Sotelo & Pecos Enterprise.

Gracies y Sinceramente
Janie N. Rodriguez
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Copyright 1996 by Pecos Enterprise
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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