Daily Newspaper for Reeves County, Trans Pecos, Big Bend, Far West Texas

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November 20, 1996

By Jerry Hulsey

Clever employee has clever boss

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Our Distributive Education teachers tells about one of his students who
took an afternoon job at a local department store. This astute
youngster, realizing that both school credit and pocket money were at
stake in this endeavor, sought an early evaluation of his progress.

The student, disguising his voice and giving a false identity, called
his boss and asked for a job. The owner replied that he had already
filled the vacancy with a D.E. student and nothing was available at the

The caller insisted that he could do a better job than the "other
student;" yet the owner assured him that he was well pleased with his
new employee's work.

"But I'm a minority," pleaded the caller, "and it would look good with
the Labor Department if you had a Black employee."

The owner agreed, confiding that the new employee was Hispanic and that
did have some bearing on his getting the job.

By now the youngster felt that he had accomplished his goal, so he
thanked the owner for his time and told him if the position ever came
open to give him a call.

"Let me have your number," replied the clever employer, because the
other boy remarked that he wouldn't be available to work during the
Christmas holidays because of a ski trip to Colorado. "With the
Christmas rush and then inventory, we'll surely have to have someone to
work. If you're willing to help us during that time, you're likely to
win the job."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Jerry Hulsey is a former school teacher who writes for


Getting into helping small businesses

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There has been a very positive development regarding the protection of
our environment in recent years, primarily in revolt to government

True, it appears government meddling was necessary to get things started
as our environment was being badly abused. However, out of disgust,
business and industry has started working to cure this problem and head
off government interference.

Plus, it has proven once again that when American ingenuity is
challenged, there is nothing it can't do and at a maximum of efficiency
and minimum of cost.

A relatively new foundation, Citizens for a Sound Economy, is helping
promote individual responsibility in protecting our environment. States
are now getting involved in this battle to help small businesses, the
engine of the American economy, to confront and conquer possible
environmental problems.

We applaud these efforts. It has long been our stance that individuals
are far more efficient and competent than government. This is further
proof of how individuals should control our destiny, not government.
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