Daily Newspaper for Reeves County, Trans Pecos, Big Bend, Far West Texas

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Wednesday, October 2, 1996

By Jerry Hulsey

Cheat anybody except

your Bondsman

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Everyone likes to brag about his triumphs and downplay his mistakes, but
this naive cow bay got taken this summer by a shyster smooth enough to
be written about.

The deal evolved around a set of thirty Holstein dairy cows. We raise
dairy replacement heifers and frequently put a group of fresh heifers in
a dairy on a lease-purchase agreement.

This character was starting up a dairy in a neighboring county and
called me about a set of heifers. I didn't know the man, so I called his
banker, and yes, he was being approved for an FHA guaranteed loan to
purchase a hundred cows. With the banker's approval, I let him take the
thirty cows. Since the deal was consummated toward the end of the month,
he made the small initial payment in cash. At the beginning of the
month, he paid the advance with a check, which was "hot." When I called
the banker, he said he'd told the check until the funds became
available. A month later, I was one of some five hundred victims waiting
for available funds.

In the interim, I was at the sale one day and recognized one of my cows
selling. I immediately alerted the brand inspector and the sheriff's
office. Hence came to light we are dealing with a professional kiter who
had already been sent down twice and was out on parole.

One cattle theft change, nor two, nor three, plus hot checks by the
gross were enough to get this sounded off the shrubs. When I asked the
deputy about his, he shrugged his shoulders in disgust. His comment -
"With his experience, it's like putting a garment in the dry cleaners -
in by 9:00 and out by 11:00. But, they tell one, he stuck when he paid
his bail bondsmen with a hot check.

Jerry Hulsey is a former school teacher who writes for fun.
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