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Van Horn Advocate


Monday, Oct. 13, 1997

Rick Smith

The Way I See It

By Rick Smith

Weekly roundup of
headline news

Queens, barbecue and on-line books

Last Friday Pecos High School crowned senior Amy Barrera 1997 Homecoming
Queen. Her face literally beamed on the front page of the Enterprise
Monday she was so happy. I hope she enjoys her last year of high school.
The high school years are some of the best of anyone's life.

If Machuca Ranch enters the barbecue check off again next year everyone
else might as well stay home. They're a hard team to beat.

Check out the new books on-line service at the Pecos Enterprise website

Angry kids

The monthly report from the local juvenile court indicates once again
that Pecos has a problem with teenagers who Chief Juvenile Officer
Alberto Alvarez says are angry and abusing drugs. Of course, the
majority of youth in town are good kids, but we need to strengthen our
efforts to reach out to those who need help.

Knocking at the door

City Manager Kenneth Neal has a good plan in seeking to establish a
501(c)3 non-profit organization to help the city. Such groups can do
much to help with parks, community activities and improving the quality
of life in Pecos.

Mother Goose and a new store

The Annual Mother Goose Parade may get more people in this town excited
than any other activity. We couldn't take enough pictures of all those
cute kids. We've published a bunch already and there will be more
published this week.
Hopefully the new Bealls store will serve Pecos well. But the only way
the store will last is if everyone remembers to "Shop Pecos First" and
shop there. Of course, the only way people will shop there is if Bealls
offers good merchandise at reasonable prices and good service. It's a
two-way street.

Lobbyists, no superintendent candidates, winning pets

I think getting a new juvenile detention center is a good idea for
Pecos but I'm not sure paying a lobbyist $20,000 to maybe get the
facility is a good idea. It would be hard for me to spend $20,000 on a

The Pecos-Barstow-Toyah school board put off the search for a permanent
superintendent until spring when the annual school district shuffle of
education employees begins. That's probably a wise decision. Hopefully
more candidates will apply for the job then and a good choice can be

A lot of sharp pets turned up for the Pet Show at the Fall Fair. Pecos
Enterprise reporter Greg Harman and his wife Emily entered their
chicken, Laura Whiting, in the exotic pets division and took first
place. I suppose owning a prize animal like that could make the Harmans
rich, especially after word gets out that their chicken beat out a wooly
worm and a turtle to earn the title of Best Exotic Animal in the 1997
Reeves County Fall Fair.

Editor's Note: Rick Smith is the City Editor of the Pecos Enterprise whose column appears each Monday. He can be e-mailed at

Pecos Enterprise
Mac McKinnon, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
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