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June 19, 1997

Angels host community

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Monahans Community Night at the Midland Angels baseball park is
scheduled for 7 p.m. on Friday, June 20.
The June 20 contest between the Angels and El Paso Diablos is a
rescheduling of the original Monahans Community Night on April 25, which
was postponed by the weather. Free tickets are available at several
Monahans businesses, incuding the Chamber of Commerce at 401 South
Dwight Street.
All tickets are distributed on a first come, first served basis.A Chamber statement says tickets still are available.

Light loss halts softball

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Play has been suspended on a women's softball field in Monahans in the
wake of high winds that ripped one field light standard from its
moorings on Thursday, June 12.
No one was injured, reports women's softball league president Alex
Ligon. A young girl's game scheduled at the time of the incident had
been postponed because of a scheduling problem with one of the teams
that had been scheduled to play.
"The pole fell about 8 p.m.," recalls Ligon. "The girl's game would have
started at 7:30 p.m."
Ligon says the light standards at the field had not been replaced in "at
least 20 to 25 years." All the aging light poles, he notes, need to be
replaced before anyone safely can play on the field again. Pending
repair and replacement of all the field's light standards, Ligon says
the games scheduled on that field now have been rescheduled on a
Division 4 diamond. Meanwhile, the fallen pole has been removed from
left field and placed on the sidelines. Ligon says officials of youth
softball and others are now examining options to replace the field's
lights with safer ones. The incident occurred at a Division 3 field in
the 800 block of West 10th Street.

Copyright 1997 by Ward Newspapers, Inc.
107 W. Second St., Monahans TX 79756
Phone 915-943-4313, FAX 915-943-4314

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