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Mar. 10, 1997



By Mari Maldonado

Dress code issues

always plague schools

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It seems that high school students will always have a problem with the
dress code.

Back in my time - way back when - we protested our inability to wear
shorts to school.

"Jams" were popular back then. They were lengthy shorts that fell just
above the knee - at most three inches - and we wanted to be able to wear
them to school.

I was a junior then and one day students waged a protest and wore
"jams" to school. A few were sent to OCS, honor students, athletes and
then some.

Anyhow, our protest was hardly comparable to this group's efforts. Even
parents are getting in on it, and rightly so.

I do agree that students and parents alike should have been warned
about the probable changes that were going to affect them, and only them.

Of course the school board agenda, indicating some action was scheduled
regarding the dress code, was posted in the administration building at
least two days prior to the meeting. It's also published in the paper
one day before and broadcast on the radio.

But somehow, nobody received word about it. That's interesting.

It's interesting because all this trouble could have been avoided had
parents and students taken a little more interest in the goings on of
one of the many groups of people that affects almost their everyday
lives - the school board.

I realize that efforts have been futile in the past, but I hope people
now see the importance of such a governing body and realize how they
affect us so.

Parents and students are not the only ones who should have shown some
responsibility, however. The small group of people responsible for the
dress code proposal should have let students and parents know what was
going on.

Lack of communication is where the gist of the problem lies. And I
think all parties are to blame.

I don't agree with the protest that students staged Friday, although
their intentions have been well taken. I was glad to see school
officials were then willing to listen to them and meet with parents.

For the record, I agree wholeheartedly with the grooming paraphenalia
issue. Students shouldn't be combing their hair or polishing their nails
in class; but some of the other restrictions are debatable.

I just can't seem to comprehend the shirt tucking thing.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mari Maldonado is an Enterprise reporter whose column
appears each Monday.


Fast track warrants praise for schools

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We are often quick to criticize, so we should also be as quick to give
praise when it is warranted.

Such is the case with the Pecos-Barstow-Toyah Independent School
District administration and board for starting a new class in
Kindergarten through sixth grade for kids on the fast track.

We have often been critical of the inclusion class concept as we feel
it holds back students who need to be accelerated. Holding students to
the level of the rest of the class can cause boredom and result in
children not reaching their full potential.

We feel the accelerated class program is long overdue and will help
inspire all the student body and give recognition to academics and those
who aspire to succeed in our school district.


Pathetic dress code shames PHS senior

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Dear Editor:
I am a senior at Pecos High School, and I am sorry to say that I regret
even attending this school! I know I'm graduating in May, but I do not
want to go off to college knowing that I graduated from a screwed-up
high school.

For one thing, our school board members are «MDUL»pathetic«MDNM»! They
don't care about the students and the various talents we have. I've been
in band for four years, a member of the Division I Mariachi group, along
with many other honors that I have received and am proud of, but Pecos
High School is a sorry excuse for an education.

The new dress code is a totally absurd method of gaining discipline.
Hey, Mr. Sotelo, you want to talk about discipline? I'll tell you about
discipline! How many pregnant girls are there in school? Open your eyes,
school board members. Look at what's really going on! I've been offered
drugs in class before, right in front of the teacher, and nothing
happened. I've even been in a class where two students sat in back of
the class and smoked a joint - but who cares, huh?

We need discipline in the CLOTHES WE WEAR! Have you ever heard about
fashion, board members? Obviously not!!

I understand about the jeans being worn under the waistline - that'
sick - and the black lipstick, but for God's sake, take consideration
for the overweight people in our schools. Take into consideration how
they feel about tucking in shirts.

I walked down the hall today and a
teacher stopped me and told me my lipstick was too dark. I'm a business
person who works for a local business and I'm sorry, but brownish color
lipstick worn with businesses clothes does not make me look like a

This rule is pathetic, and it sure as hell shows how much our school
board really cares. What an awesome school system we have!

Name withheld by request
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