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Mar. 7, 1997


By Mac McKinnon

Seek greener pastures

if you don't like job

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Service? What service?
That seems to be the hue and cry of customers all over the country. Of
course, those same people who are complaining are also probably the ones
who don't give good service where they work.

I've written about this subject a number of times and it seems that a
number of other writers in papers across the country have done the same
thing. I made note of a lack of service on a recent airplane flight, one
place in the past where you could be sure to get good service.

As I noted in that column, the stewards and stewardesses seem to be put
out by having to do their job. It was rare that there were any smiles.
This wasn't from just one crew that might have been tired and had to do
extra duty, but from several crews on different flights.

It seems that every time you try to eat out, it's a miracle if you get
what you order. It doesn't matter if the place is an expensive
restaurant or a real inexpensive, fast food place.

Let me quickly note that some restaurant owners are very aware of this
problem and trying to do something about it, including several
restaurants here and the difference is obvious.

It doesn't matter where a person works, they should try to give good,
friendly service. Sure, there will be personality conflicts and there
are some customers who just can't be satisfied but most people are easy

I don't believe workers realize their jobs and lives depend on the kind
of service they give. If they don't give good service, they probably
won't get a good tip or any tip. If they don't give good service, the
word gets around and a person's employer might be in trouble, as in
going out of business trouble.

It doesn't matter how big the company is that you work for. Remember
the 1970s when American car makers lost a big share of the market
because of shoddy workmanship? Remember how many people lost their jobs
at the three biggest companies in the world?

The public is pretty tolerant, but some things just can't go on and on.
I don't know where pride has gone: pride in a person's work, their home,
their town, their family, their church, their appearance.

We need to all believe in ourselves. All jobs are important or they
wouldn't exist, so take pride in yours. If you don't like your job,
quit! Find something you want to do and can take pride in. Don't make
everybody around you miserable.

I heard some people talking recently about young people don't want to
start at the bottom. I don't know if that is true although I've run
across people who want the big money for little effort and no
responsibility. A person has to pay their dues as in working their way
up the ladder. At times there are setbacks. Life isn't always fair or
things aren't equal but we can't quit trying.
Something to think about.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos
Enterprise. His column appears on Friday.


High school diploma is Army necessity

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The United States Army is having a problem recruiting young men and
women into that branch of the military. Because of that, standards have
been lowered.

The Army has hoped that 95 per cent of their enlistees would have high
school diplomas but now they have dropped that goal to 90 per cent.

We believe this is a huge mistake. Young people without a high school
diploma should not qualify for welfare, much less a job that requires
hard work and discipline. Plus, this job is one where that is at the
forefront of our country's defense.

We do believe the military is a good place for young men and women to
go after completing high school. It allows a young person to get
maturity, see the world, receive training, broaden their horizons and
earn money for college if they wish to go to college after completing
their enlistment.

However, the Army is no place for wimps who don't have the gumption to
finish high school, especially in this day of high tech weapons used by
the military.

The Army needs to reconsider their lowering of standards.


Where is the money taken from Barstow?

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Dear Editor:
We the community of Barstow would like to respond to the article that
was in the Feb. 28 Enterprise, regarding the school board's plans for
closing Barstow school.

We feel the analysis was improperly done because Barstow committee
members were never notified. The analysis appears to have been done by
Mr. Sotelo and Mr. Perea only. A member of the official committee, a
citizen of Barstow, was never notified of any meetings. Exactly who made
up this committee?

It appers that Mr. Sotelo and Mr. Perea were the only members on the
committee, and they seem to be interested only in money and not the main
concern, which is the students of Barstow and this school district.

There is much money coming into the PBT ISD from Ward County. We know
from the Ward County tax office that there are $10.7 million coming into
the district from Ward County through ranching, the oil industry,
farming and other taxpayers.

The figure of $831,079 is only a part of the total amount coming into
the district from Ward County. The article says it takes $315,557 to
operate Barstow school. Two years ago Chapter I was taken away and now
this year our principal was eliminted and replaced by a part-time
principal. Where is all the money being spent?

Look at the facilities Barstow school has to offer. We are the only
school with a gym, football and baseball field. We have suggested making
our school a Magnet School with special programs being provided in the
sciences or computer networking. There are alternatives to closing down
a school and then having to build more schools to accommodate the

Right now, parents in this school district are having to get out and
raise money for sports uniforms and equipment and new band uniforms may
cause a raise in taxes. Where is the money going???

What is the money being spent on???

Carol Gonzales
Barstow Community
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
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