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FEB. 26, 1997



By Rosie Flores

Heed warning signs

to keep heart healthy

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Many of us at one time or another have thought that we were
experiencing a heart attack or at least some serious form of heart
trouble. But how can you tell if it's the real thing or just indigestion?

I asked my co-worker what the initial sign are, since he has had the
misfortune of having gone through a heart attack and subsequent heart

Everybody who has had this kind of trouble describes it differently.
And many of us who have never experienced it often think we are. The
pain can be so excruciating that you think, "This is it, this is the
real thing."

The trouble might just be that spicy, greasy pizza you had for lunch or
that "chili" burrito in the morning. Nevertheless, knowing the real
thing from indigestion or heartburn can mean living a full complete life
or ending it sooner than expected.

Knowing the warning signs and catching them early can possibly save
your life.

I recently read about the early warning signs of a heart attack, and
it's surprising to see how differnt these signs are to what we expected.
For instance, a lot of us think that the first warning signs will be
full of pain.

Not so, according to an article published in Reader's Digest. Pressure,
aching, or burning - not necessarily pain - in the chest. Often it
increases with activity and subsides with rest.

Discomfort, tightness, squeezing or fullness in the chest, usually
lasting longer than two minutes. Mild discomfort that may come back
sooner, last longer or feel more severe each time.

Discomfort in the teeth, jaw, inner arm (often the left) or back.
Somehow you don't associate these parts of the body to the heart.

Other warning signs to look for include dizziness, fainting, sweating,
nausea, shortness of breath or weakness. These signs can also appear
during other illnesses, but check with a doctor before making your own

If you're not sure whether discomfort is from heartburn or heart
attack, ask these questions: "Is the discomfort located in the center of
the chest?" "Does it recur?" "Does it increase in density?" "Does it
become more intense with exertion, then go away with rest?"

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, experts recommend that
you take an aspirin, call 911 or an ambulance or have someone drive you
to the hospital. They recommend that you don't drive.

It's always better to be on the safe side then to be sorry later on for
letting the discomfort continue and worsening your heart condition.

After all, there's always someone out there who cares what happens to

EDITOR'S NOTE: Rosie Flores is an Enterprise writer and editor of
Lifestyles and Golden Years. Her column appears each Wednesday.


White House needs NOT for sale sign

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The selling - or maybe we should say the leasing - of the White House
has got to stop!

Reports in recent months have revealed that big contributors to the
Clinton campaign, via the Democratic National Committee, have gotten to
spend nights in the Lincoln bedroom and special access to the White

The White House belongs to us, the American taxpayer, and not the
Clintons, the Democrats nor Republicans.

Sure, the White House is the residence of the President and as such,
the president should be allowed to use it as he would his own home,
welcoming friends and relatives.

But, that should not include the rights of people to buy time in the
White House. We don't believe the White House qualifies for time share

Commercialization of the White House and the Presidency itself is
something that simply cannot be tolerated. What's next? Will they be
posting the names of companies on the White House and different areas of

It is apparent the public doesn't really care in this day and age about
the morals of our elected officials. Or, maybe, it's not they don't care
but maybe the public has become so jaded by all the revelations about
the lives of those in public office.

But some things should be held sacred and one of those things should be
a NOT for sale or lease sign on the White House.
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