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Feb. 19, 1997



By Rosie Flores

Little kid inside

makes life simpler

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All of us like to reminisce and think about other or better days. That
seems to be an ongoing thought for a lot us, especially as we grow older.

But, deep down inside, all of us have a "little kid" hiding. Sometimes
this "little kid" comes out at the most inopportune times.

Getting older shouldn't be the scary thought that it seems to be. It
just seems we've gained more knowledge, grown stronger and more
responsible, (or so they tell me!)

The little kid hidden inside all of us can help us through rough times
and make life just a little bit simpler.

For example you know the little kid inside someone, when he takes out
his girlfriend to a fancy restaurant and he orders a hot dog, but tells
his date to go ahead and order the fancy fish, that Filet Mignon, if she
wants to. Then he proceeds to tell the waitress to be sure and do a
happy face with the mustard just like his mom used to do!

Or when he takes out his date for dinner and they end up at McDonald's
ordering two "Happy Meals." The worst part is when he argues with
management because the toy in her "Happy Meal" is better than his!

And women, it's not just men that have that small, petulant child
hidden inside. Even though it seems that the majority of men do!

Men also tend to want the latest "toys" out on the market. Such as
sports cars, jeeps, motorcyles or anything having to do with motors,
that they can injure themselves on.

Acting as children helps keep a part of their identity they thought
they had lost by acquiring a wife, mortgage payments and children. It
keeps them young at heart.

Women have to deal with growing older differently. After all, they
can't go around acting like children all the time. Women are simply more
responsible than men - or try to be anyway.

They realize someone in the family has to be the grown-up every once in
a while. But it's not so bad to let your hair down every now and then
and act like your "inner kid." It's good for your health and good for
the soul!

EDITOR'S NOTE: Rosie Flores is an Enterprise writer and editor of
Lifestyles and Golden Years. Her column appears each Wednesday.


Hold elected officials to term limit promises

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Could we have an instant replay of speeches by political candidates
during the last two elections? We shouldn't have to listen to them, but
the candidates themselves should be forced to do so.

For at least the last two elections, the cry of the nation's electorate
has been for term limits. And the candidates have chimed in with their

But when it comes time to get down to the nitty gritty, those opinions
seem to change. Of course, this is after the election. When it comes
time for another election, those same candidates will be on the stump
once again, blaming others for the defeat of the constitutional
amendment for term limits.

We have long contended that terms of all elected officials from the
local level up to and through Congress should be limited. We understand
there is diagreement on just what those limits would be, but may we
suggest that members of the U.S. House be limited to two 4-year terms
and Senators serve only two 6-year terms.

One Congressman maintains that the ballot box is the way to carry out
term limits. While that might sound good on paper and is the way it
should be, we all know that doesn't work. Look at some of the people who
have been in Congress forever to the detriment of the nation, including
Pork Barrel Champions Robert Byrd, West Virginia Senator, and South
Carolina's Jess Helms. The list could go on and on, but those two have
been there forever and that's too long.

We need once again to let our elected officials know that we want them
to be citizen legislators - as the constitution intended - and not
professional politicians.


Quick healthy recipes cut down on fat grams

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Fried corn tortillas have 10 times as much fat as baked tortillas, says
Brenda J. Ponichtera in her new cookbook, Quick & healthy, Volume

Reducing fat is the Number 1 rule in a healthy diet, and Ponichtera
tells how to monitor the amount of fat in the foods you eat - by reading
labels and by consulting books and tables that list grams of fat in
various foods.

Such tables are listed in the first chapter of the comb-bound book that
features 190 delicious low-fat recipes, all kitchen tested for tempting
taste and ease of preparation.

Special sections offer five weekly menus with corresponding grocery
lists; a handy diary for keeping track of daily fat intake; diabetes
exchanges; exercise tips; easy-to-follow steps to determine ideal
weight, calorie needs and recommended grams of fat; and much more.

"Quick" to the author means a recipe takes a short time to prepare,
usually 15 minutes or less. Cooking time may be much longer.

Each recipe also includes a nutritional analysis.

Available at bookshores or directly from ScaleDown Publishing Inc.,
1519 Hermits Way, The Dalles OR 97058 at $16.95 plus $2.50 shipping and
Volume I is also available at the same price. It was written at the
request of the registered dietitian's clients who wanted healthy recipes
that would be quick to prepare and enjoyed by the whole family. She
received so many requests for more low-fat recipes that tasted good,
Ponichtera published Volume II.

--Peggy McCracken


People have last word in Jeff Davis County

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Dear Editor:
NO! A sheriff or any other governmental official cannot enforce an
unlawful statute!

Down in Jeff Davis County, there are some unhappy Americans who are
speaking out against the current corruption in government. This has
upset our current crop of governmental custodians, for the sheep are not
obeying orders!

This is exactly what Thomas Jefferson and Sam Houston believed in. Now
you must ask yourself, "Who is right in Jeff Davis County, the sovereign
PEOPLE, or the privileged officials?"

Lose your freedom if you guess wrong.

--Don Schwarz
Stoughton, Mass.

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