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Feb. 14, 1997


By Mac McKinnon

TV spots sell products

that pay program bills

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Dave Barry writes a column in Miami and it is syndicated in a number of
newspapers around the country.

His column this past week concerned mail he had requested and received
about the most obnoxious television commercials. Many of this thoughts
came from all the ballyhoo from the commercials for the Super Bowl.

It seems that many big advertisers trot out their newest commercials
and products to be highlighted during the Super Bowl which is the most
watched television event each year.

That sounds like a good idea except if the commercial is a real dud.
That was the case, at least in my opinion, this year. Some commercials
may have sounded good on paper, such as the Dirt Devil using old footage
of Fred Astaire. It certainly didn't appeal to me and some others I've
talked to about it.

I did like the Holiday Inn bit about all the changes that have been
made, as they used a person who had been changed from a man to a woman.
It did get attention and caused conversation and that's what a
commercial seeks to do.

There were a number of other commercials that I really enjoyed but one
of the best was during last year's Super Bowl, the one with the boy
going into a Pepsi bottle. That was a neat bit of special effects.

I guess in this day and age of technology, special effects are what
catch the eye. So many commercials have people discussing personal
problems and I feel guilty hearing those disucssions, like I'm
evesdropping. I realize that many commercials provide information on the
latest products available for all kinds of needs but some of them are
kind of personal.

I get a kick out of all the perfume commercials before Christmas as the
spots seem more intent on selling a mood rather than the product. There
have been many times when I've watched something like this and haven't
been able to figure out what was being sold.

I've known a number of really slick advertising professionals in my
life as my career field brings me in contact with that kind of people.
Many of them are just too cleaver for their own good.

It would seem to be a good idea for commercials to be screened by
ordinary people to make sure they deliver the intended message. Some
advertising agencies do just that but it is obvious that others don't.

There are some beer commercials that absolutely turn people off, such
as the ones about the emergence of "skunkie" beer. I understand the
importance for things being fresh and dating of products is important.
The ad in question probably gets a lot of attention because it is

The same goes for the beer commercial of people bigger than mountains
bowling and playing catch with a football. It's strange, but as long as
it gets the desired attention, I'm sure the advertiser is pleased.

Car commercials are also sometimes strange, like the old man with the
Nissan. However, Nissan has one of the best commercials with a
just-washed car being chased by a flock of pigeons.

I do enjoy watching most commercials although the ones I'm most tired
of involve long distance telephone companies. All they do is confuse
people as do the rates being charged by companies.

The bottom line is that those commericals, just like advertising in the
newspaper, help provide television programming and news for the public
as a very reasonable price.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mac McKinnon is editor and publisher of the Pecos
Enterprise. His column appears on Friday.


Head Start parents support the program

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Dear Editor:
On Feb. 10, there was an article on the front page of our newspaper
about our Head Start director, Rosa Mosby.

As parents of our children that attend Pecos Head Start, we would like
to say Rosa Mosby is a great person, not just because she is a friend
but just because she is herself. She is this wonderful person inside
that can't be explained, but she loves the kids at Head Start, and the
parents and kids love her too.

These lies that Norma Rubio and Yvonne Martin say are so untrue.
They're not at the Head Start to know what goes on. We as parents see
what's going on, not them. We as parents think the Head Start program is
a wonderful program for our kids. We would hate to see it go underground
behind jealousy.

And to Ms. Vejil, you once in a blue moon attend a parent's meeting, so
who is fair, honey? Just remember, everything in life isn't fair.

The teachers and co-teachers are doing a wonderful job with the

-- Sabrina Wilson and
Some Pecos Head Start parents


Property tax bill on front burner

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Howdy friends. To borrow an old expression, "this joint is jumping."
The first 30 days of session have proven to be fast and furious.
Groundwork for important legislation having long-lasting impact on the
great state of Texas is in progress.

Senate Bill 1, or more commonly known as the water bill, is one such
far-reaching measure under work. After carefully reviewing the bill, I
see a lot of good and some things that require more research. Overall, I
believe it is important to have a statewide water management plan.

Another important measure that we have considered is the stalking bill.
Senate Bill 9, sponsored by Sen. Moncrief, dealt with the overturning of
a previous measure creating penalties for the act of stalking. The new
bill provides a clear definition of stalking and extends protection to
members of a victim's household.

For the past week the various subcommittees of the appropriations
committee have been working diligently to ensure that the state's money
is spent wisely and that performance measures are being adhered to.

In the upcoming weeks the full committee will consider budgets dealing
with billions of dollars and encompassing state agencies with staffs of
thousands to staffs of two. Friends, let me tell you, this is no easy
task. There are many agencies doing outstanding jobs for the state.
However, there is only so much money to go around.

As you may know, the governor has released his property tax reduction
bill. Pete Laney, Speaker of the house, has appointed a select committee
to review the governor's proposal. I agree that something must be done
regarding property taxes and the funding of our school system. I look
forward to the recommendations of this committee.

I would like to encourage you to continue to offer your support and
ideas on any legislation that you feel is important. I look forward to
your ideas on the water bill, property tax reform and electric
deregulation. It is with your help that I can make the best decisions
for the folks of District 80. Thank you and God bless.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Gary Walker is state representative for District 80,
which includes Reeves County.


Eliminate aid to corporations

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When the liberal Friends of the Earth and the conservative National
Taxpayers Union find themselves in agreement on an issue, it's usually
ripe for legislative action.

These two organizations are part of an ad hoc group put together by
Rep. John R. Kasich ... to cut corporate welfare out of the federal

The coalition has targeted 12 programs for elimination, which would
save about $11.5 billion over five years. All of them primarily benefit
businesses at the expense of the general public.

What the Kasich group has proposed is only a modest beginning. Some
have estimated corporate welfare totals $75 billion to $85 billion a
year - close to the size of the federal deficit. Cutting it won't be
easy, however, because virtually no one agrees on a definition of
corporate welfare.

The last Congress was zealous in its bid to remake Aid to Families with
Dependent Children and other federal welfare programs. The new Congress
should be equally determined in its efforts to eliminate Aid to
Dependent Corporations.
-- The Columbus Dispatch


Balky president needs a shove

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Late last month the Navy used an interceptor missile to shoot down an
incoming missile - over a firing range in New Mexico. That's the bad
news: It was only a test. The U.S. does not have a ballistic missile
defense system, and under Bill Clinton it won't have one until the
middle of the next decade, if then. ...

The threats are real. Russian missiles, as Clinton boasts, aren't aimed
at U.S. cities. But they can easily be retargeted in a matter of
minutes. Last year China threatened to hit Los Angeles with a missile.

The facts are greeted with smoke screens from the Clinton

... Congress must keep pushing. Last year it passed a bill with
specific spending and development milestones for a national defense, but
Clinton refused to follow through. Some members sued the administration,
but a federal judge set aside the suit and ordered the sides to work
together. The lawsuit could be reinstituted if there's no progress.
Congress should not hesitate to press its case in court if Clinton
continues to balk. ...
-- The Daily Oklahoman
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Copyright 1997 by Pecos Enterprise
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.
324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
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