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Daily Newspaper and Travel Guide
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Friday, May 10, 2002

Happy Birthday to Matthew Oglesby
Happy Birthday to Olga Guebara
Happy Birthday to Marisela Pacheco
Happy Birthday to Delma Payan
Happy Birthday to Gene Aguilar
Happy Birthday to Macy Herrera

Saturday, May 11, 2002

Happy Birthday to Faye Madrid

Sunday, May 12, 2002

Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Birthday to Marcos Contreras III

Modern Study Club members attend convention

On April 6, President Catherine Travland, secretary, Joyce Morton, Margie Williamson, reporter, Lena Harpham, federation counselor, and Etta Sullivan, life member of The Modern Study Club of Pecos joined about 50 other guests of the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), Western District of Texas (TFWC-WD) converged at the First Methodist Church in Historic Fort Stockton for the 42nd GFWC-TFWC Western District Annual Spring Convention.

President Peggy Kelton of McCamey presided at the meeting. Pecos County Judge, The Honorable Delmon Hodges gave a hearty welcome to all Cub Scout Pack 154 of Ft. Stockton did the Presentation of Colors during opening ceremonies.

Each District officer and each club president and Chairmen of Departments gave their reports with President Travland telling of the highlights of The Modern study Clubs programs and projects for the previous year. Lena Harpham, Joyce Morton, Etta Sullivan and Margie Williamson also gave reports.

Stacey Webb, Chair of Western District Alma Van Sickle Scholarship announced that Jessica Ann Orona nominated by Pecos Modern Study Club won this coveted scholarship. Peggy Garner, Chair of TFWC Scholarships announced the Western District scholarship winners as follows: (1). TFWC State ($1,000) _ Sarah Harper nominated by McCamey Study Club; (2). 1903 UT-Austin ($1,000) _ Maria Elena Garcia, nominated by Alpine Purple Sage; (3). Musical Penny ($1,000) _ Rogelio Zubia nominated by Alpine Purple Sage; (4). Billy McMahon ($500) _ Angela Cenise Reeds nominated by Monahans Tau Lambda Study Club; (5). Simmang Volunteer Award ($500) _ Marcos Lyann Halsman nominated by McCamey Study Club.

Mary Vongsavath, 2nd VP and Membership chair, delivered "The Magic of Membership" in GFWC that is shared by many members; Women bound together by their commitment to and their membership in GFWC that practices another kind of magic "Volunteerism."

Joyce Morton, Chair of the GFWC Arts and Crafts & Literature contests announced the winners as follows: best of show went to Juanita Parsons of Marfa History Club; first place in Fine Arts _ Glynda Taylor of McCamey; first place in Hobby Crafts _ Eunice Vincent of Alpine; first place in Photography _ Peggy Kelton of McCamey; first place in Needlecrafts _ Juanita Parsons of Marfa History Club.

As UT-MD Anderson Cancer Center Chair, Joyce Morton also reported that the GFWC Texas Western District donations of around $4,000 is send to MD Anderson Cancer Houston Headquarters and member clubs are urged to continue to participate in this on-going project. GFWC-TFWC sponsored by the legislation for the establishment of UT-MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Clubs of Western District were asked to bring books for kinder through fifth grade children, printed in English, to the TFWC State Convention in Midland as a part of the "GFWC Libraries 2000" project. These books will to donated to the school library in Redford, Tx.

Katheryn Steen, chair of the Nominating Committee announced the slate of Officers for 2002-2004 who were subsequently elected unanimously by the body. GFWC TFWC Incoming State President for 2002-2004, Bobbe Mitchell of Sanderson was the guest speaker at the luncheon and did the installation of the new officers as the finale of the convention.

Catherine Travland of Pecos was installed as Western District president. Other officers for 2002-2004 are: President-Joyce Goldwire of Sanderson; President-elect- Mary Vongsavath of Alpine; first vice-president _ Sherry Phillips of McCamey; treasurer _ Harriet Berlin of Odessa; secretary _ Peggy Kelton of McCamey; TFWC Scholarship Chair _ Peggy Garner of McCamey; Western District Scholarship Chair _ Stacey Webb of Ft. Stockton and parliamentarian _ Frances Dunn of Odessa.

Announcements were made that the GFWC-TFWC State Convention will be held in Midland on May 1-3 at the Holiday Inn & Suites, and installation of TFWC State Officers will be at the Petroleum Club of Midland; GFWC-TFWC-WD Summer Workshop will be held in Big Spring, on July 8; GFWC-TFWC-WD Fall Board Meeting will be held in Sanderson on Oct. 19. All members are encouraged to attend all these fun-filled and learning events.

Study club plans close of year meeting

The Modern Study Club will meet at 11:30 a.m., on Saturday, May 11, in the West of the Pecos Museum Courtyard for their close of year "accomplishments" and luncheon meeting with President Catherine Travland, presiding.

The thought-quote for the gathering is "Life is like a bridge- cross over it, but don't establish yourself upon it." As quoted from Mary Beth Guy, TFWC President 2000-2002, "View from the Bridge," the Texas Clubwoman, summer 2001.

Kelsey Nicole Riley, recipient of The Modern Study Club Pecos High School Senior Scholarship for 2002, and Jessica Orona, recipient of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs Western District Alma Van Sickle Scholarship through the sponsorship of The Modern Study Club, will be special guests, along with members of their families.

Following a salad luncheon an overview of the projects, programs and accomplishments for 2001-2002 will be presented by outgoing president, Catherine Travland.

A display of past-president's scrapbooks will give those in attendance a "looking into the club's history."

Officers for 2002-2004 will be installed with Nan Cate past president, conducting the ceremony.

Roll call will be answered by giving a program suggestion for 2002-2003.

Project for this monthly meeting is to donate to the Natural Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.

The social committee chaired by Nan Cate, with members Juracy Ray, Iris Reddick and Etta Sullivan, will serve as hostesses for the days activities.

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Pecos Enterprise
York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.

324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321

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Copyright 2002 by Pecos Enterprise