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February 28, 2001

Children in crisis is study club topic

PECOS, February 28, 2001 - The Modern Study Club met recently for an International Affairs program entitled, "Children of Africa In Crisis," with department chairman, Nan Cate, planning and presenting the program.

President Catherine Travland called the meeting to order. During opening ceremonies Doris Moorman led the Club Collect and Dorothy Barton led the pledges to the United States of America Flag and the Texas Flag, while members repeated with each lady, in unison.

President Travland then announced the International Affairs Program and introduced Mrs. Cate who began by describing Africa as the second largest continent on earth, with the longest river, the Nile which has the largest tropical area of any continent. It is a rich land, but has been plagued by wars, famine, poverty and disease in almost all the countries of Africa. All of these conditions have had a very adverse effect on the children of Africa.

Cate continued, prior to World War II, the 90 percent Black population was governed by the 5 percent European population. Wars of liberation were fought, but by the 1970's most of the countries were free. The African people were ill-prepared to govern themselves and Civil war has erupted in almost every country. Wars are no longer fought by professional armies on formal battlefields, but are fought in the streets and in the countryside causing the involvement of civilian men, women and children. Children as young as 10 years of age have been kidnapped and forced to kill. Land mines have killed children in their own neighborhoods. Wars have separated children from their parents causing them to become street children in the large cities. Some children have been forced into slavery.

She told how famine and disease have also wreaked havoc on the children. The disruption of agricultural production and distribution, as well as droughts in parts of Africa have caused starvation. HIV/AIDS have adversely affected children killing their parents and leaving them without adequate care and protection. Of the thirty-four million in the world with HIV/AIDS 70 percent of them in Africa.

Famine and disease have caused a generation of African children to be unschooled, abused and neglected. There is concern that this will cause serious problems in the future, Cate commented.

She told about the rest of the world being called upon to aid in the recovery of Africa, by helping to build schools and hospitals, roads, provide clean water and to provide resources for the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS.

Cate closed with these comments. The rest of the world does seem to realize the plight of the children of Africa and has begun to offer assistance by forgiving the debts, African Nations owe Western Nations, and by providing the resources to fight disease and famine and build schools and hospitals. This is only the beginning. Much more needs to be done by churches, humanitarian organizations and governments.

During the business session of the meeting, interim secretary Lena Harpham read the minutes of the previous meeting and treasurer Bobbi Lang reported concerning club finances.

Paula Fuller, chairman of the Music and Arts Department told of the number of school entries in the recently conducted writing contest. She also reported that the judges were currently reading the entries and selecting winners. It was also reported the program and project reports of the club had been mailed for competition at Western District the previous Tuesday.

Margie Williamson, Scholarship Chairman, reported on the MSC-Pecos High School Scholarship Recipient and progress of the Alma Van Sickles Scholarship applicant choice.

In other committee reports, Doris Moorman reported that Margie Williamson had been chosen as The Modern Study Club's Outstanding Clubwoman/Volunteer and that the resume/application was near completion in readiness for sending to Western District.

Phyllis Stool, chairman of the club Operation Smile activities proposed various ways of support that the club might participate in Operation Smile, since 1982, has provided reconstructive surgery to over tens of thousands of children born with cleft lip and palate deformities, tumors, orthopedic problems and burn scar contractures in developing countries.

Lena Harpham, Federation Counselor, told of the General Federation of Women's Clubs Fall 2000 Board of Directors meeting held in Arlington, Virginia and gave some points of interest taken from the topics of three of the speakers.

The Western District Fall Board Meeting of the Texas Federation of Women's Clubs slated for Oct. 20, in Pecos was discussed, along with the slated visit of Western District President Peggy Kelton for the upcoming Federation Day meeting of The Modern Study Club.

Bi-monthly projects for the meeting were contributions to Operation Smile and Valentines for residents of the Pecos Nursing Home.

Roll call was answered with replying to the question, "What have you done, or plan to do, to support Operation Smile?"

Delicious refreshments were served to 12 members and one guest, Billie McCormick of Pecos, by hostesses Catherine Travland and Margie Williamson.

Church plans Ash Wednesday service

PECOS, February 28, 2001 - First United Methodist Church will have an Ash Wednesday service, with the imposition of ashes, at 6:30 p.m.

All are welcome to this very special service marking the beginning of Lent.

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Pecos Enterprise
York M. "Smokey" Briggs, Publisher
Division of Buckner News Alliance, Inc.

324 S. Cedar St., Pecos, TX 79772
Phone 915-445-5475, FAX 915-445-4321

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